869 Diamond Park, Meadville, PA 16335

(814) 724-6080


Christmas Around the World at the Baldwin-Reynolds House

The Meadville Garden Club will be presenting Trees of Christmas 2016 in full splendor. This year’s theme is “Christmas Around the World.”

Meadville Alic Thurston Balloonist

Samuel and Alic Thurston: Ballooning Daredevils

Meadville’s Thurston Classic is a tribute to early ballooning pioneers Samuel and Alic Thurston whose thrilling stories made them true daredevils.

Old Grey: The Tale of the Reisinger Rifle

James “Roe” Reisinger won the Medal of Honor at Gettysburg, but the story of his family’s rifle “Old Grey” has a story too.

The Meadville Mutuals: Baseball Champions of 1875

Crawford County PA produced many standout players early in baseball’s history including members of the Meadville Mutuals who would be the 1875 champions of western Pennsylvania.

Marion County was Home to the World’s First Oil Boom

Marion County is justifiably called “the home of the world’s first oil boom.” The money generated by the petroleum industry there led to the development of not only a rich history and solid infrastructure, but one of the grandest courthouses in the state.

How the Trolley Arrived at Conneaut Lake Park

On May 30, 1906, the Meadville and Conneaut Lake Traction (M&CLT) Company formed with a goal of bringing trolley service to Exposition Park (Conneaut Lake Park today).  A suitable route was agreed upon that would continue from where the tracks left off in Fredricksburg and then follow the general course […]

Oakwood Farm: Home to Oil Tycoons, Millionaires, and Hula Hoop Makers

Crawford County has lost a landmark with the recent fire of the 1930 Luke B. Carter mansion, known as Oakwood Farm, on the Hydetown Road just west of Titusville. Its builder was significant. Luke B. Carter (1876-1940) was the younger son of the four Carter children who survived infancy. His father, John J. Carter (1842-1917) was as a Medal of Honor winner in the Civil War

The Diamond in 1840 by Sherman Day

The Early Days of Meadville’s Diamond Park

The Tarr Mansion in Meadville is located along Diamond Park, however, the park wasn’t always so beautiful as it is today.

Alice Bentley: Crawford County’s Champion for Women’s Rights in the Downton Abbey Era

Alice M. Bentley, among the first women to serve as a Pennsylvania legislator lead the way for women in Crawford County.

Crawford County Estates in the Downton Abbey Era

The “Downton” Era (1910s and 1920s) was a time or expansion of ideas, but for a tightening of funds in large manors, or, in the case in America, smaller landed estates. “The Terrace,” as it was called in Meadville, was the undisputed millionaire’s row of the city which, along with […]